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The War Cry | AUGUST 2014
Every Man's Bible (New Living
Translation) aims to help men
learn from each other how to
cope with their problems and
struggles through the study of
Scripture. It contains thousands of
notes on courage, temptation, im-
age, leadership and pride. Also
featured are profiles of great and
not-so-great men of the Bible
along with insights about faith. In
Spotlight there are 43 charts cre-
ated from a uniquely male per-
spective designed to help the
reader visualize important truths
about God's Word. Twenty-six
Perspectives present ideas from
well�known men on a particular Bi-
ble verse. Finally, you will find snapshots from noted authors on
living the Christian life in Personal Gold, and a one-sentence
summary of each book's message in What's the Point.
AVAILABLE ONLINE and at your local Christian bookstore.
Really God, Bangladesh? by Vicki Augustiniak, relates the
spiritual journey of a registered nurse who answered God's
call to provide medical care for the people of Bangladesh.
Her memoir draws on journal entries about her decision to
leave the comforts of home and minister overseas to those in
need. Augustiniak was born and raised in Detroit, the oldest
of nine children in a family
plagued by domestic violence. She
had more than four decades of
nursing experience when she be-
gan to travel internationally not
only to Bangladesh but to the Phil-
ippines and South Africa.
One of the book's most compel-
ling accounts is the story of Aunt
Anne, a difficult person whom Vicki
cared for after her mother died.
Aunt Anne was a hoarder and when
she moved into a nursing home the
job of cleaning out her cluttered,
grimy house fell to Vicki. She threw
out six dumpsters full of trash and
even stumbled onto mouse drop-
pings and a dead cat in the basement. The de-cluttering pro-
cess engendered profound strength in Vicki and led her to write,
"What I learned and what God prepared me for was when I saw
poverty and frail people, when I saw misery, I would not be afraid
or avoid touching people because of what they looked like. I felt
that if I could clean that house, I could do anything and go any-
where. I may not always like what I see... but I would do whatever
God wanted me to do."
Through her work Augustiniak found peace and initiated
the goal of building a hospital in Bangladesh. Profits from her
book will go directly to support that project.
AVAILABLE ONLINE and at your local Christian bookstore.
. Th
ing pr
ots from noted authors on
f you feel uneasy about sharing your faith
story with a total stranger, you are not
alone. Many Christians feel inadequate
and/or unprepared when asked to leave
their comfort zone, and Salvationists are no
exception. But when believers radiate the
goodness and beauty of God through a re-
laxed demeanor and Spirit-filled words and
actions, others will be drawn rather than
pushed into the kingdom. In today's world,
people hunger to hear that they really can
become like Jesus--through effort and
grace--if transformation is truly the cry of
their heart. Christianity offers so much more
than a bar code faith that stamps our ticket to
heaven without any expectation for committed
discipleship. God longs for us to step into a new life
with Him that will generate love, peace, joy and power,
a life that we need not wait to enjoy in the next world.
F. Dale Brunner has written that "talking freely with
people about faith in Christ is not everyone's gift, though
at times it is everyone's responsibility." In view of that
overarching reality, since 1968 The Salvation Army every
year has held a National Seminar on Evangelism (NSE)--
teaching, inspiring and equipping delegates to make
disciples one at a time.
Say Something, written by Lt. Colonel Stephen
Banfield and Major Donna Leedom, features
NSE stories of success, failure and attempts
in between to spread the Gospel. By high-
lighting prayer as a vital component of suc-
cessful evangelism, the authors invite Salva-
tionists to co-partner with Jesus, to seek His
help in explaining how to take off the old
self and put on the new self. Evangelists are
urged to avoid discouragement if the results
of their work are not dramatically obvious.
They are simply to do their best, to be patient
and to humbly trust the Holy Spirit to pour
out grace on their words and actions, like
a 707 burns jet fuel during takeoff. The key
is simply to try, to show patience, to submit
outcomes to God and to know that God will
bless their efforts. Say Something includes a 12 page photo
section and background information about the NSE.
Available from The Salvation Army Supplies & Purchasing Depts.:
Des Plaines, IL (847/937-8896)
West Nyack, NY (888/488-4882)
Atlanta, GA (800/786-7372)
Long Beach, CA (847/937-8896)