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The War Cry | AUGUST 2014
Give People a Behind-the-Scenes Look at What
It's Like to Be You
People don't care that you're eating a ham sandwich or just
walked into the coff ee shop. They follow you on social media to
learn about your life and your story. What are your struggles?
What are your concerns? Your victories? Perhaps you can share
the thoughts running through your mind as you prepare to
preach a message. What about the challenge of raising funds
for an important outreach, or your idea for launching a new
homeless ministry?
Want to see your social media followers grow?
Give us the inside story of what God is doing in your life.
Be Provocative
I like to toss out the occasional hand grenade. I'm not talking
about gratuitous or silly controversy, but I love a great, animated
discussion. Give people a jolt. Shake up their thinking. Jesus was
brilliant at shattering preconceived ideas. In your area of ministry,
what are the issues that need to be rethought? Challenge peo-
ple's thinking, and you'll start a very interesting string of online
Provoking respectful and thoughful conversation is one of
the most eff ective ways to use social media.
Encourage Us
People live challenging lives and need that occasional dose
of encouragement. So be honest and real. Start encouraging
others in a positive way that gets their attention and makes them
stop in their tracks.
Give them hope.
There's Power in Great Quotes
When I come across a great quote, I'll write "Twitter" in the
margin of the magazine or book and post it later. Don't hesitate to
post what you've found meaningful in your reading, devotions
or the notes you've taken from great speakers. Don't steal, but
share what you think is important. It adds to your credibility.
The Salvation Army is developing social media innovations
right now. The creative team at SAVN.TV has launched live,
video�driven Bible studies and recovery groups that you can
participate in online right now. In fact, they're looking for in-
novators to lead new groups online and become social media
chaplains. There's no cost, and the tools are all available at Start your own group! It's a great example of
how social media off ers new opportunities for reaching out to
a desperate world.
you. Post a news article you've
recently read. Write a quote
you've been pondering recently.
Share your testimony. Talk about
your work.
The Gospel of Social Media
The truth is, specific social me-
dia sites like Facebook, Twitter,
Pinterest or other platforms will
come and go. But social media is
surviving (and will continue to sur-
vive in some form or another) because it's built around
something that is good -- human connection. Theologians,
philosophers, psychologists and social critics can judge
the quality of that connection all they want. But human
connection is so critical that even
the digital form found in social
media is worthwhile -- especially
when it comes to evangelism.
The gospel is growing on social
media by the minute. So I encour-
age you to start today to find how
you can share the Good News
in this growing -- no, explosively
growing -- area.
Millions are waiting to hear
your story.
Excerpted from the book Unique: Telling Your Story in
the Age of Brands and Social Media
by Phil Cooke
. He has
produced media programming in more than 50 countries
around the world. Find out more at
My Recommendations for Twitter or Facebook Posts
Via Twitter we have ministered to
women in other countries fi ght-
ing eating disorders, prayed with
people who just lost a loved one,
shared the Gospel and helped
people outside of Los Angeles
fi nd a local church home.
Kristen Tarsiuk, communications director,
Oasis Church in Los Angeles