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Questions appropriate for printing in the War Cry will be answered through this column.
The War Cry | AUGUST 2014
Dear Betting:
It is always wise to confirm for yourself,
along with the counsel of spiritual leaders,
what God, through the Bible, has to say
about any matter. Gambling is not specifi-
cally mentioned in the Bible, nor listed as a
sin. Despite this, we cannot assume the lack
of mention means the activity is not a sin.
All sin is not clearly listed in the Bible.
A good understanding of the whole of
Scripture assists us in discovering God's
mind on those areas. At least three prin-
ciples we learn from such knowledge ap-
ply to gambling.
First, gambling breeds a form of cov-
etousness, which is a sin. It entices us
to reach for a life that others have, one
that allows us to live free from monetary
concerns, even to live indulgently. While
there is nothing wrong with wanting to
improve our living conditions, it should be
done responsibly and not through games
of chance.
Second, gambling destroys the work
ethic. The idea of relying upon hard work,
planning and persistence is replaced with
greed and selfishness in an effort to get�
Thirdly, gambling destroys people and
families. Gambling has the potential to
turn into an addiction. Often, money
spent on such pursuits is not excess in-
come, but funds that are needed for fam-
ily expenses. As one gets lured deeper
into gambling, more time and energy is
also taken from the family and devoted to
trying to win. This can lead to huge gam-
bling debts, job loss, the deterioration of
one's life and family breakup.
Gambling is anything involving the
exchange of money or goods for the
promise of unearned income or wealth,
and can take the forms of innocent look-
ing raffles, and lotteries to "adult" games
found in special events and casinos.
Such things differ from door prizes and
free gifts offered in events for which no
money is risked.
Finally, as a member of its church, you
would know that The Salvation Army has
made its position on gambling very clear.
The Positional Statement on Gambling
states its opposition to gambling, and the
covenant that each member signs specifi-
cally includes gambling on its list of activ-
ities from which to abstain. Beyond that,
when you signed the Soldier's Covenant,
you promised not to gamble.
Dear Aunt Sally:
I play the lottery and occasionally
gamble at the local casino. My
corps officer says it is wrong. I
view it as entertainment and a
night out. Does the Bible say this
is wrong?
Betting on the Bible