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"Q: Why did Moses
wander in the wilder-
ness for 40 years? A: Because even back
then you couldn't get a man to stop and
ask directions! That's not a bad joke, but
it's not quite accurate. Moses did ask direc-
tions��from God! But the people would
not accept the guidance that Moses passed
on to them. Guidance can come from
many sources. We do not make decisions
in a vacuum. We base our decisions on
what we believe is true. But how do we
know what is true?
Take Tokyo, for example. Most of us
would agree that there is such a place.
When asked how one knows that Tokyo
exists, the answer is usually something like,
"I learned it in school," or "I know some-
body who went there." In other words, we
are willing to take someone else's word
that there is a real city called Tokyo.
Almost everything we know, or think
we know, depends on taking somebody's
word for it. Just to be sure, we may ask
several school teachers and world travelers
to tell us about Tokyo. We are putting our
trust in the reliability of our eyes and ears
to tell us the truth.
The Bible is different. We are convinced
that it is a reliable authority simply
because the Author is reliable. He made
us, and in this context we can think of the
Bible as a sort of owner's manual. God
has chosen the Scriptures as a primary
way of revealing Himself to people. This
means we can get to know God through
the Bible. But if we do not know God, we
cannot really understand the Bible.
I have a friend who is rather antagonis-
tic about Christianity. He has read the
whole Bible, but not in order to know
God. He set out reading it to find as may
errors and contradictions as he could.
What he did not find was God. He was not
looking for God, And because he did not
want to find God he was not able to
understand the Bible.
Jim Garrington in
Equipped for Battle,
USA Central Territory
The number of days
Paul fasted after
being blinded on the
road to Damascus
(Acts 9:9)
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ers, she sensitively examines the hard issues of poverty through real-
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