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Dear Aunt Sally,
How can I know if I'm marrying the right
Dear Want,
With some statistics still showing
that half of all marriages end in divorce,
choosing your marriage partner is some-
thing you want to get right! The jour-
ney through life can be a rich and
fulfilling adventure when you have the
right person sharing it with you.
If you are a Christian, it is important
to seek God's intention throughout
this process. Start by asking God if it is
His Will for you to marry at all. There
are many for whom marriage has not
been His plan, for whom a life of sin-
gleness allows for deepened depen-
dence upon God and the opening
surprising doors of opportunity. Look
for His counsel as you spend time in
prayer, as you read what He's written
to you in His Word, the Bible. Trust
Him to let you know IN HIS TIME.
Learn more about yourself; and be
honest in the process. What are your
strengths and weaknesses? What gifts
and talents do you possess? What
direction is God wanting you to take
with your life? What steps should you
take down the path He is revealing?
You will discover as you seek Him
and put Him first, that opportunities
will come to meet people with whom
you have common beliefs, values,
hopes and dreams. Go slow, don't rush
ahead of God. As you begin to date,
look with His eyes. Look past the sur-
face to their heart, attitudes, treatment
of others, to their relationship with
God. Determine that this is a lifelong
Remember always that putting God
first, and not the seeking of a marriage
partner, is the foundation for a rich life
of integrity and purpose. And if, in the
process, He opens your eyes to a life
partner to marry, give Him all the glory.
Aunt Sally
Dear Aunt Sally,
Does God really love me?
Dear Doubting,
According God's written word to us,
the Bible, we're told, "For God so loved
the world that He gave His one and
only Son that whoever believes in Him
shall not perish but have eternal life."
(John 3: 16).
Adam and Eve were the first two peo-
ple God created. They were given a
choice to obey God but they chose to
disobey. Because of their choice, sin
entered into the world, and into each
one of us as descendents of Adam. We
each have a sinful nature. Because God
cannot be where sin is, it impossible for
us to have a relationship with Him.
He will not hear our prayers, or coun-
sel us or bless us. A pure and holy life
must be sacrificed to provide a payment
for our sins. God's love for us is so great
that He gave the best He had to give to
pay for our sins--His own Son. His only
Son. His most beloved Son, Jesus.
If you accept Jesus' death on the
cross as payment for your sin, you can
have a relationship with God.
The Bible also tells us that "...neither
death nor life, neither angels nor
demons, neither the present nor the
future, nor any powers, neither height
nor depth, nor anything else in all cre-
ation, will be able to separate us from
the love of God that is in Christ Jesus
our Lord." (Romans 8: 38, 39).
Yes, God really loves you and He
wants you to be His cherished child!
Aunt Sally
We are evidently no friends of
Satan. Like the kings of this
world, he wars not against his
own subjects. The very fact that
he assaults us should fill our minds
with hope.
-- J.C, Ryle
When a Christian shuns
fellowship with other
Christians, the devil smiles.
When he stops studying the
Bible, the devil laughs.
When he stops praying, the
devil shouts for joy.
--Corrie Ten Boom
God had one Son with-
out sin; but He has no
son [or daughter]without
--Charles Spurgeon
There is a war going on.
All talk of a Christian's
right to live luxuriously `as
a child of the King' in this
atmosphere sounds hol-
low -- especially since
the King himself is
stripped for battle.
--John Piper
He who does not believe in
the devil does not believe
in the Gospel.
--Pope John Paul II
uotes of the
Past & Present
Aunt Sally is happy to provide personal
advice and opinion on a variety of sub-
jects. Need help with relationship prob-
lems, spiritual questions, parenting
situations? Ask Aunt Sally!
E�mail your questions or comments to
tions appropriate for printing will be
answered through this column.
sk Aunt Sally
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