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The War Cry | NOVEMBER 2015
Dear Leaving:
Your concern about keeping your
faith strong is one of the reasons you
will do well. You are aware that a num-
ber of young adults' spiritual walk ap-
pears to change as they leave the im-
mediate support of family and corps.
This fact that has been documented in
many studies and surveys. Your uneasi-
ness demonstrates you recognize that
you could be vulnerable to the same is-
sues and you want to know how to pro-
tect yourself. Your apprehension attests
to the importance you place on your
relationship with Jesus. And that is why
you will succeed.
We each have our part in our walk
with the Lord. The following suggestions
will assist you in remaining true to the
Lord in this next chapter of your life.
The excitement and new experiences
that will be coming your way can take
over your life and leave little time for the
Lord. Decide now that you will give pri-
ority to your relationship with Him by
having at least one time of prayer and of
Bible reading each day.
Find a church home that preaches the
Word of God, lifts up Jesus in all they do
and helps you to grow spiritually. Be-
coming part of an established communi-
ty of believers will be an important
source of Christian fellowship, ministry
and support for you. Find the right
church home, and fast.
Work at feeling connected to the
church by involving
yourself in at least one
small group activity or
ministry. Also, prayerful-
ly identify at least one
person in the church you
can turn to for counsel,
sharing your joy or ask-
ing for focused prayer.
Be selective in those
activities and friends
you involve yourself with
outside the church.
Check each out as best
you can, participating
only in those you feel
will build you up as well
as please God.
And don't forget to
call home regularly. Your
family has loved you all
your life and wants to
know how you're doing.
You may be physically moving away, but
you will always be family.
Dear No Longer:
It may seem a little awkward at first,
but your witness may have a greater
punch because of your troublemaking
youth. Imagine the reaction people will
have when they see the change in you!
The "Good News" or "Gospel" refers
to God's Son living as one of us, pay-
ing the price for our sins with His life,
and rising victoriously from the dead to
reign with His Father in Heaven. Any-
one who accepts Jesus' payment for
their sins happily begins living their
lives for Him, making Him their first pri-
ority. Because of our acceptance of
Christ's gift, we are now reconciled to
God our Father and can walk into His
Presence and talk to Him about any-
thing at anytime. Now that is Good
News! We naturally desire to share this
with others and tell of the wonderful
change that He has made in our life.
Begin this new relationship by seek-
ing God in prayer. Ask Him to em-
power and direct you with what to
say and whom you should witness to.
There is no need to convince or ar-
gue with your loved ones of any-
thing. Our responsibility as Chris-
tians is to share with all what He did
in our lives. The rest is up to Him.
While your verbal testimony is im-
portant, actions still speak louder than
words. Tell people of the change in
your life but also make sure your choic-
es for friendships, entertainment, con-
versation and conduct reflect that Je-
sus really is the Lord of your life. Over
time, those closest to you will see that
you really have changed, and will know
that Jesus made the difference.
Dear Aunt Sally:
I'm graduating high school soon,
getting ready to move out on my
own and start my own life. I'm wor-
ried that by being on my own my
faith will struggle or grow weak.
What can I do to stay strong in my
faith in a world so overrun by secular
--Leaving the Nest
AUNT SALLY is happy to provide free personal advice and opinions on a variety of subjects.
Need help with relationship problems, spiritual questions, parenting situations?
Ask Aunt Sally!
Send your questions or comments to Aunt Sally via email at [email protected] or by
regular mail at Ask Aunt Sally, Salvation Army Publications, 615 Slaters Lane, Alexandria, VA 22313.
Questions appropriate for printing in the War Cry will be answered through this column.
Dear Aunt Sally:
How can I share the Good News
with my friends and family that
knew me as a troublemaker?
--No longer a kid
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