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we are honest. Few of us are fully
healthy in all the ways we have de-
scribed. So, does Christian faith
call us to an impossibly idealis-
tic life? And what would it say of
God if that were the case? What
kind of God calls us to a life He
knows we are incapable of living?
Let's get even more specific. If
the Church is supposed to be the
place where truly healthy peo-
ple reside, why are there so many
Christians who are still spiritual
infants? After years of participa-
tion in congregational life, why do
they show little sign of the spiri-
tual depth to which Jesus calls His
disciples? Why do so many Chris-
tians fail to get along with one
another and sometimes act hate-
fully toward their brothers and
sisters in Christ? Why do so many
who claim to follow the Jesus who
said to love your enemies demon-
ize those who do not agree with
them or who follow a different re-
ligion? Why are Christians, like
everyone else, subject to the same
emotional problems and men-
tal illnesses as others? Why do
so many Christians get sick and
die early, become handicapped
and increasingly immobilized?
Strong faith in Christ does not
seem to be a magic wand that in
one fell swoop heals our spirit, emo-
tions, relationships and body. We
are not yet perfect. Far from it.
So what does this mean for
all our unhealthy ways? Does it
mean that shalom, full health and
well�being, is reserved for eter-
nity only? Is our only recourse in
the present life a simple "grin�
and�bear�it"? I think not.
Taking True Measure
Life is a journey, and every day
is different. Each of our lives is an
unfolding story, and each day is a
new chapter. Every journey and ev-
ery story has a beginning. The fact
is, our journey begins in a world that
is not only imperfect, but fallen. As
we are born into a sinful world, we
cannot live our story without be-
ing affected and even infected by it.
Through no fault of our own, some
of us are conditioned early on to be
hateful and mean. Others treat us
in cruel ways and damage us emo-
tionally. Some are raised in loving
but over�protective, self�serving
families and come to look upon "out-
siders" as threats. We all inherit ge-
netic codes that make some of
us more susceptible to certain life-
threatening diseases. Some even
begin life with disease or handicap.
And even the best of parents and
other early influencers in our lives
are also on a journey and are not
yet perfect; to the extent that they
pretend to be perfect, they are teach-
ing their children to hide their imper-
fections and not address them. We
are affected and infected by all this.
We are not, however, victims. In
whatever way we are damaged, cor-
rupted, impaired, belittled or conceited
by influence or birth, the journey to-
ward health is one we can choose.
No one is responsible for where his
life on this earth begins. We are
all responsible for where it ends.
This brings us to the second im-
portant question: How do we be-
come healthy? Perhaps the ques-
tion is better phrased: How are we
healthy? The best way to
approach our health is to think of
it in terms of progress rather than
perfection.We need not be ashamed
of the process of healing, pretend-
ing a state of health that is far from
reality. The journey toward health
can only begin when we know and
admit where we are when we begin
and where we are along the way.
We all begin the journey at a differ-
ent place. Spiritually, some begin in to-
tal or relative ignorance of matters of
faith; others begin in an environment
of toxic faith; still others in a place
of healthy spirituality. Emotionally,
some begin the journey with deep
hurts and the scars of abuse; others
begin in a setting of rigid expecta-
tions and ensuing guilt feelings; still
others in a place where feelings are
honored and shared honestly. Rela-
continued on pg. 21
How Healthy Are You?
Building Your Core
trong faith in
Christ does not seem
to be a magic wand
that in one fell swoop
heals our spirit,
emotions, relationships
and body.
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The War Cry | FEBRUARY 2013
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