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The War Cry | FEBRUARY 2013
Predictably, a strong backlash has come from those
who resent "those health nuts" who spoil everything and
take the joy out of life. The anger turns to passive ag-
gression, often expressed in ramped-up overeating, the
choice of unhealthy comfort foods and refusal to exer-
cise. The result is that though medical science is able
to keep us alive longer, we are less and less healthy.
The health movement, however, continues to thrive.
We now have health specialists in the medical field.
Wellness groups of one sort or another abound. A huge
and lucrative industry has emerged around the ob-
session with health. It ranges from nutrition-loaded
drinks, to vitamins, to drugs that fool us into think-
ing we are now "healthy" by eliminating our pain. Nu-
merous commercials prey on our guilt about our own
unhealthy behavior, and some mislead about the re-
sults as well as the safety of this food or that drug.
This incessant obsession with health, as well
as the confusing information (and misinfor-
mation) about it, challenge us to raise two im-
portant questions: What does it really mean to
be healthy?
and How do I become healthy?
Nothing Peripheral
Most ideas about what it means to be healthy are
one-dimensional. The merchandisers of health claim
their product will deliver health, and it may indeed help
us feel better physically or emotionally. Others may
say the only thing that is important is spiritual health
while failing to connect it with our physical and emo-
tional life. An atheist dismisses the supernatural as fic-
tion, urging us to claim health through the self-realiza-
tion of mind and body. But none of these is full health.
is Full Health?
To answer this question we begin with how God cre-
ated us. God has made us, at one and the same time,
spiritual, emotional, social and physical creatures. Our
bodies, our feelings, our relationships are not discon-
nected from our spirits. We do not live as spiritual is-
lands. God also made us persons with bodies, a range
of emotions and a need for relationships with others.
None of these aspects of our lives is peripheral to our
health. God cares about the health of our bodies. Why
else would His Jesus have been such a generous healer?
How Healthy
Are You?
Building Your Core
ealth has become a national obsession.
Never before have so many worried about it.
For some, the worry leads to frequent exami-
nation of the latest food research. This moti-
vates an endless pursuit of foods with the best
nutritional value, the lowest fat content and the least carcino-
genic contamination from additives or the environment. And
of course, the regular jog, power walk or aerobics is a must.
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