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The War Cry | FEBRUARY 2013
According to a Christian missions agency,
church planters in one South Asian country,
(unnamed for security reasons) ask new
believers seven questions to determine their
readiness to follow Christ:
I. Are you willing to leave home and lose the
blessing of your father?
2. Are you willing to lose your job?
3. Are you willing to go to the village and those
who persecute you, forgive them and share
the love of Christ with them?
4. Are you willing to give an offering to the
5. Are you willing to be beaten rather than
deny your faith?
6. Are you willing to go to prison?
7. Are you willing to die for Jesus?
If the new convert answers yes to all questions,
he or she is asked to sign a paper indicating that,
of their own free will, they have decided to fol-
low Jesus. If the new believer is caught by the
government, he or she will spend three years
behind bars. The one who led the person to
their new faith faces six years in prison.
Mission Network News
Rejoice in the Lord Always, and Again
I Say Rejoice,
the theme for General Linda
Bond's visit to the Papua New Guinea Territory
in November, was exemplified in the praise and
worship of more than 3,000 officers, soldiers and
friends who journeyed from all over Papua New
Guinea (PNG). More than 500 people came for-
ward to the mercy seat over the weekend in acts
of commitment and rededication.
Events included the commissioning and or-
dination of 37 members of the Proclaimers of the Resurrection Session
of cadets, a celebration of 50 years of national officers being trained
on PNG soil and a retirement salute to Territorial Commander Commis-
sioner Andrew Kalai.
At a reception for government and Church officials, Deputy Prime
Minister Leo Dion welcomed the General and acknowledged the great
work The Salvation Army is doing throughout Papua New Guinea,
particularly through disaster relief.
Times of praise and worship were punctuated with testimonies
that spoke of the transforming work taking place in the lives of people
all over PNG through many facets of work undertaken in the name
of Christ.
During a women's rally, the General challenged women to stand
firm and to encourage their daughters to obtain an education and make
a difference in the world.
In her Bible message, the General spoke about The Salvation Ar-
my's ministry as being the message of salvation--a full salvation--and
a life of holiness. She went on to define holiness as "a heart that is true
and clean" and a love like the Lord's love.
The final meeting of the congress allowed the country's Salvation-
ists the opportunity to express words of thanks to Commissioner Kalai,
the first Papua New Guinean leader of The Salvation Army in PNG.
From report by Major Deslea Maxwell
The General Leads PNG
Salvationists in Celebration
and Thanksgiving
In South Asia,
New Believers
Apprised of Risks
Top: Lieutenants
Sylvia and Richard
Raymond and family
salute the territorial
commander before
receiving their first
appointment as Sal-
vation Army officers.
Inset: Jan Ramson
and the General
enjoy the youth rally.
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