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The War Cry / May 12, 2012
How did you get interested in meteorology?
I liked to watch weather happening. One
of my fondest memories with my dad was looking
up at the clouds and figuring out what they looked
like. I decided in high school that I wanted to do
something different. I wanted whatever career I
chose to help me make a difference. I enjoy inform-
ing people of what their weather is going to be like,
helping to protect them when severe weather hits,
helping them to plan their day.
What about global warming?
It is so controversial. There is a lot of good
and bad information. If you actually look at the sci-
ence, there is warming happening. The question
is, is it natural warming? This planet has always
gone through ebbs and flows of warming and cool-
ing. Is it something that we are doing to contribute
to the warming? Those are the big questions. I
don't put answers into people's heads. I want them
to go and try and figure it out for themselves.
There is warming. The big question is, why?
That's the controversial part.
Sometimes the news is about the destructive
weather somewhere. How do you change gears to talk
about the lovely weather in Arizona?
It is a natural thing for me to feel for the
people who are having to deal with bad weather.
A Conversation
That is portrayed to the viewers. I am thinking
about what is happening there and have a differ-
ent tone when talking about it. As gracefully as
possible I say, "But look on the bright side." It is
a tough thing to do and I can't really think about
how I do it. I just do it.
Where there are some terrible weather events, it
is often said that they are acts of God. Do you ever
wonder what that says about God?
A lot of people said that God sent Katrina
because New Orleans had it coming with all their
sin. I personally don't believe that it is God's way
of punishing people.
There are many examples in the Old Testament
of God using weather as a way to punish people.
There's no mention of this in the New Testament
except in Revelation. It seems to me that Jesus re-
moved the need for God to deal with His people
that way, except when Judgment Day comes.
Matthew 4:5 says, " . . . He causes the sun to rise
on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the
righteous and unrighteous." Ultimately it is God's
business and one of many things I'll have to ask
Him when I get to Heaven.
As a public figure, how do you safeguard yourself
and your family?
: I use my maiden name on the air to pro-
How does Amber Sullins,
Chief Meteorologist for ABC News
in Phoenix, stay grounded while
juggling a high visibility career,
her love of music and her family
life? Amber holds the Certified
Broadcast Meteorologist seal, the
highest attainable from the American Meteorological Society, and won the
Rocky Mountain Emmy Award in 2010 for the best weathercast. In this con-
versation for the
War Cry, Amber shares how life as a Salvationist helps her
keep priorities straight.
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