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The War Cry / May 12, 2012
vide a level of protection. I get letters from all
kinds of people, and now my husband appreciates
that protection. A lot of women in this newsroom
do the same thing. I don't go out at night by my-
self. There was a big difference in moving from
morning to night, and in the amount of people who
recognized me as a result. There are things people
ask me to do that I have to decline because it does-
n't sound safe to me.
How do you live your faith in a clearly secular
: It is difficult. The number
one thing that sets me apart is the
gossip factor. I am very much out of
that. It actually helps that I work
out of the studio by myself while
everybody else is in the newsroom.
People know that Amber is not
going to participate in the gossip.
Also, any chance I get where I can
mention that I am playing in the Salvation Army
band or have people question me about what that
is and why I do it, I take those opportunities.
How do you stay grounded?
: My faith keeps me grounded. And I still
hang out with the people I hung out with before I
got into television. I didn't get a whole new group
of friends and act like something special. I still go
to the same church I've always gone to. I think
those people keep me grounded because they have
been there all along.
Did you grow up in the Salvation Army?
: I've gone to The Salvation Army my whole
life. I'm a fifth generation Salvationist.
What about being a Salvationist has helped you?
The biggest thing is being involved in the
music programs. It kept me out of a lot of trouble
growing up. Even now, when there are times when
I feel like I might want to go and seek something
else, maybe go to a bigger church with more people
and more kids for my son to play with, the music
has always kept me involved. That is what has kept
me in line. What The Salvation Army has going on
with music is something special that you don't find
anywhere else. If that has to be the catalyst to get
people in the door that is a wonderful thing.
As the mother of a young child, what kind of
challenge do your working hours present to your fam-
ily life?
Most days I work from 1:30 in the afternoon
to 10:30 at night, but I have a Sunday through
Thursday schedule. On Sundays I am still able to
go to church, but I have to rush out the door to get
ready for work. My son only has to go to daycare
four days a week and I am home with him all day
on Friday and Saturday. When he gets older and he
gets out of school at the end of the day and mommy
is not there to pick him up, it is going to be a whole
different set of challenges. In this
business, nobody has a good sched-
ule. When I worked mornings I was
up at 1:30 a.m. I had to be in the
door with full makeup and dressed
by 3:00 a.m. I was sick all the time.
When I got off at noon, I was so ex-
hausted that I couldn't do much.
My son was very little and I re-
member thinking, "Please�please
fall asleep," because I wanted to fall asleep, too. The
night shift is actually working out better because I
have my mornings with him and I am alert and
What do you have to say to fellow Salvationists?
: It is important for The Salvation Army to
consider the roles believers play in the workplace.
There is a need for people in the workplace to pres-
ent the love of God. People can go to church to find
God, but it is in that other portion of their life
where God needs people strategically placed. They
don't just have that Sunday, that one day of prais-
ing God, to draw on, but through exposure to be-
lievers it becomes something emphasized through
the whole week. It would be nice for The Salvation
Army to emphasize the importance of witnessing
in the workplace.
Major Allen Satterlee is Editor�in�Chief and
National Literary Secretary
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