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The War Cry | DECEMBER 2012
The Return
of Christmas
A L I G H T M I S T F E L L F R O M A M E T A L L I C S K Y .
It wasn't supposed to snow
today; someone hadn't gotten the memo. Lara peered through the kitchen window
at a landscape as gloomy as the sky--and her mood. She hadn't strung the
lights across the porch rail this year or hung the pinecone wreath that always
adorned the front door. Christmas had crept up too quickly. She sighed. Maybe
it would go away with the same rapid�fire anonymity with which it had come.
You're a Scrooge, Lara Mobley. A certified, bah humbug Scrooge!
As though hearing her inner remonstrance, Beau lifted his big head and
sniffed the air expectantly. He trotted to her chair and nuzzled her hand
with his cold, wet nose. It was a half�hearted offering, it seemed to Lara, but
then he'd always been Kira's dog. After a whole year he still insisted on
sleeping at the end of her bed. The unrumpled, untouched, solitary bed. Who
could have known her life would end at 15?
A defect in her young body that no one knew about had triggered the
heart attack. One minute she was cheering for her school team; the next she
was gone, that bright spirit silenced in one irrevocable stroke.
A ring interrupted her dark reverie, and she reached for her cell phone.
Like many people these days, she'd gotten rid of her land line. She'd cut other
corners too, but kept the rambling house that she and Kira had loved. Since the
divorce, it had just been the two of them. Plenty of room for a successful graphic
designer and her energetic young daughter. More than enough room now.
"You decent?" Her sister's perennial greeting.
"You'll never know," she said wryly, imagining Lexi across town with her
phone clipped to her ear. She'd be shuffling papers and jotting notes or maybe
even hanging wall paper with those busy hands of hers. How she managed a
family, a full�time job with Social Services and Pop's care Lara couldn't imagine.
Not even Pop's Alzheimer's could dampen the indomitable spirit of Alexis Taylor.
Lexi's unusual hesitancy, Lara would later reflect, should have been a
clue. Lexi always stated her mind and didn't suffer fools (or melancholy sisters)
gladly. "Um, I have a problem I need your help with. There's this girl here
with no place to go. It's just for a few days...until after the holidays when we
can make suitable arrangements for foster care..."
She couldn't mean it, could she?
But that's exactly what Lexi did mean. She knew Lara had the week off
and thought it good for her sister, who spent far too much time alone, to have
company--just for a couple days. Then Lexi and the rest of the family would
join them for Christmas Eve at Lara's. Her big country house had always been
the favored gathering place for family celebrations.
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