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Morristown, NJ--Michael
Franzese shared publically
during a worship service
last month about his deci-
sion to quit organized crime
and follow Jesus.
Mr. Franzese was previously
highlighted as number 18 on
Fortune magazine's list of
"The Fifty Biggest Mafia
Bosses." The former "Prince
of the Mafia" faced dozens
of grand jury appearances,
three major racketeering in-
dictments, five criminal tri-
als, seven years in prison
and a Mafia death sentence.
Mr. Franzese's message
drew parallels between the
life of a mobster and the life
of the Apostle Paul--a mur-
derer who called himself the
"chief of sinners," but whom
God ended up using to
write much of the New Tes-
tament. "Michael's story is
living proof that no one is
beyond hope. God special-
izes in using people with
dark pasts to bring light to
the world," noted Tim Lucas,
Lead Pastor of Liquid
Source: United Business Media
The War Cry | DECEMBER 2012
The Salvation Army's Europe Congress in Prague,
Czech Republic, brought together 1,300 Salva-
tionists from 30 countries in a weekend of wit-
ness and worship under the leadership of
General Linda Bond this fall.
"Forward! In Confidence, Unity and Power" was
the theme of a gathering which celebrated what
God is doing in the lives of His people throughout
Europe. The three main sessions picked up on an
aspect of The Salvation Army's International Vision:
One Army, One Mission, One Message. The General
was supported by Commissioners Robert and Janet
Street, Europe Zonal leaders, and by Commissioners
Hans and Marja van Vliet, leaders of The Netherlands
and Czech Republic Territory.
During the opening meeting, young people talked
positively about the kind of Salvation Army they
would like to see. Young Moldovan Salvationist Yana
Miheeva said she would like her country to be "famous
as the country where Jesus lives!" She shared her
dreams of an end to human trafficking and poverty
before concluding by urging everyone to "Pray for
your country."
Commissioner Robert Street held up a piece of
the Berlin Wall, serving as a powerful reminder that,
until recent years, The Salvation Army was proscribed
in 12 countries in Europe where it is now operating.
It was a miracle to see uniformed Salvationists from
those previously proscribed countries participating
in the congress.
The General challenged the 1,300 congress dele-
gates to go forward with faith that God will bring
revival to Europe, and to remain certain of God's
grace from generation to generation. Many people
knelt at the Mercy Seat to dedicate themselves to
God and pray for a mighty outpouring of the Holy
Spirit as they serve him in future days.
From report by Lt. Colonel Jayne Roberts - IHQ Literary Department
The LISTEN UP quarterly e-newsletter promotes awareness
and use of the spiritual resources available through the
Salvation Army's radio outreach, which includes Wonderful
Words of Life, Maravillosas Palabras de Vida, Heartbeat
and Latido. More than radio ministries, these are Bible-
based, multicast programs that use advanced technology
to proclaim the eternal gospel of Jesus Christ.
The programs are produced in the Southern Territorial
Evangelism and Adult Ministries Department and distrib-
uted worldwide through a combined network of over
1,600 AM, FM and shortwave radio outlets, as well as
Internet audio streaming, podcasts, and MP3 downloads.
Europe Moves Forward Together
In God-Glorifying Congress
From Good Fella to God Fella
Search on Listen Up to sign up to receive the e-newsletter.
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"Christmas began in the heart of God. It is
complete only when it reaches the heart of man."
-- A
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