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War Cry:
Share your faith journey.
Bill Burke:
I was born in a very Irish and very
Catholic family. In high school, I was in a minor
seminary of the Archdiocese in New York, part of
the feeder system to become a priest. I felt like I
had a vocation when I left eighth grade and went
to high school. I realized I was going to have a
conflict because I knew that celibacy was not
going to work for me. I never lost that connection
that I felt I had with the Lord.
When we moved to Ohio, our neighborhood
was loaded with born again Christians. We
didn't know what one was. My wife began going
to a Bible study in our neighborhood with other
moms. I was working my way through our local
parish of the Catholic Church. Our timing on
coming face-to-face with the Lord was very close.
She had her born again experience with the la-
dies in the Bible group. I was at a men's retreat
one weekend and for the first time in my life
someone handed me a Bible. As testimonies were
given I started opening up the New Testament,
randomly picking out Scripture, reading it and
thinking, "This is really relevant to me." Scrip-
ture and some testimonies intersected for me
with memories of how one of our kids was born in
a traumatic situation. It dawned on me that the
sacrifice of God's Son was for me. I could relate
to it because of my experience with my own son.
That's when the clouds opened and the sun came
through. My wife and I joined an evangelical,
The War Cry | FEBRUARY 2016
A Conversation
A Conversation
with Bill Burke,
Chairman of the
Salvation Army National
Advisory Board
Advancing a
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