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feeling his way along a
path memorized by repe-
tition, Bartimaeus took up
his usual spot to beg, as he
had countless times before.
He had learned to identify
coins not only by touching
them but by the sound they made
as they hit each other. It wasn't much of a life, but
for a blind man born into a poor home there was this
or starvation. There was no social safety net, no train-
ing programs for the visually impaired, no monthly
check to counteract a harsh life.
But even here he had gained skill. Beggars ought
to look like they are in need so the clothes he wore
were a message about his poverty. He learned to sense
The War Cry | NOVEMBER 2012
Bible Study: Encounters with Christ
when someone slowed their pace and to turn as if to
look with what both he and the passerby knew were
sightless eyes. He learned to plead, to grovel if neces-
sary. Coins, tiny, nearly worthless coins, were the
fruit of his labor.
He thought about being blind in a world of sighted
people. He could smell the flowers but saw no petals.
He could taste a piece of fruit yet had no idea what it
looked like on a tree. He could feel the texture of cloth,
but to the sightless, all robes are the same color.
The one advantage he had was living in Jericho,
the last stopping place before Jewish pilgrims turned
up the steep road that led to Jerusalem. The constant
traffic of people on pilgrimage for the great celebra-
tions of the Jewish faith meant that there were days
when begging wasn't so bad. These times made the
lean days easier to take.
Mark 10: 46-52
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