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The War Cry | NOVEMBER 2012
General Bond Leads Anniversary
Celebrations in Ghana
The Salvation Army has announced the opening of a new
ministry in Greenland, increasing the number of countries
where the Army serves to 125. Greenland, an independent
country in the kingdom of Denmark, has been self-governing
since 2009, although Denmark still controls its economy,
defense and international relations. It is the largest island in
the world, but has the smallest population of any country,
about 57,600. The majority religion is Evangelical Lutheran.
A proposal to start work in Greenland was initiated by Denmark
Territorial Commander Birgitte Brekke, and was approved
by General Linda Bond. Lieutenants Magnus and Petura
Haraldsen were commissioned as leaders by the General
during her visit to Denmark this past May.
Army Extends Work to Greenland
Lieutenants Petura and Magnus
Haraldsen with Greenland flag.
More than 6,700
Salvationists gathered
this fall to celebrate the
90th anniversary of
Salvation Army ministry
In the Territory of Ghana.
A highlight was the com-
missioning of 30 new
lieutenants--a record
number for Ghana.
General Linda Bond
unveiled a plaque adja-
cent to the newly-refur-
bished tomb of Amoako
Atta King Hudson. Hud-
son had been appointed
by General Bramwell
Booth to "open fire" for
the Army in 1922 in his
home town of Duakwa,
Ghana, then known as
the Gold Coast.
Before a meeting in
the corps hall, the Gener-
al was welcomed by the
Duakwa Traditional Chief.
At the nearby Salvation
Army health center she
met mothers and new-
born babies, greeted pa-
tients and visited the new
facility for outpatients.
An evening meeting fea-
tured a special welcome
to more than 150 Salva-
tionist delegates from
neighboring Togo, part
of the Ghana Territory.
Early Sunday morning
more than 4,000 Salva-
tionists and other Army
representatives marched
along the main road to-
ward the training college.
In her Bible message
the General talked can-
didly about the need for
holy living. Responding
to her words of challenge
and her prayer for a
Salvation Army revival in
Ghana, hundreds of peo-
ple flocked to the Mercy
Seat. The General joined
those kneeling on the
ground in dedication.
(Above) The 30 new lieutenants are the largest session of cadets to be
commissioned in the history of the Ghana Territory. (Left) A plaque
commemorates Amoako Atta King Hudson, who was appointed by
General Bramwell Booth to "open fire" in his home town in 1922.
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