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The War Cry | CHRISTMAS 2014
What Child is this?
Their long
and boring watch over sleeping
sheep ended when the stars dimmed
before a heavenly host that sang the
praises of a tiny Baby born some-
where in the streets of Bethlehem.
Despite their duties, nothing was
more important than finding that
Child. And after they found Him
with His exhausted parents, their
voices replaced those of the angels as
they spread the word of who and
what they had seen (Luke 2:8�20).
What Child is this?
Simeon and
Anna had waited for the coming of
the promised Messiah, the Savior
King of Israel--no, the world. Then
Mary and Joseph entered the
Temple grounds and they knew. It
was Him! The trembling, aged hands
of Simeon and then Anna held the
Baby. Here in their arms was the
One who doomed evil, who shredded
death, who redeemed what was
unsalvageable. Simeon cried out,
"Sovereign Lord, now let your
servant die in peace as You have
promised. I have seen Your salva-
tion, which You have prepared for all
people. He is a light to reveal God to
the nations, and He is the glory of
your people Israel!" (Luke 2:29-32).
What Child is this?
The star
would not leave certain sojourners
until they left home to traverse the
desert lands, until those who spoke
their language were left behind.
They were propelled to reach a land
totally foreign to them. They plodded
to the royal city of Jerusalem, the
most likely place to find the heir to
the throne of Israel. They asked for
the Child, only to be greeted with
befuddled mumbles instead of
answers. And murderous Herod
repeated the question, "What Child
is this?" But the Magi found Him,
not kneeling before Him as they
would an earthly sovereign, but
bowing down to worship Him
(Matthew 2:1�12).
What Child is this?
before the Jewish teachers, He
delighted and then challenged them.
At 12 years old He should not have
known so much, should not have had
such insight. His questions were
penetrating, refusing to be answered
with the formulas they repeated by
rote. How could they have forgotten
their responsibility to find His
parents (Luke 2:41�52)? Instead,
they were taken by Him, touched by
Him, fascinated by Him. He was
Galilean, from Nazareth, a backwa-
ter village of no standing whatso-
ever. What Child is this?
What Man is this?
He seemed
to have entered from nowhere.
Palestine looked up from its every-
day fight for survival to see who this
was. He spoke and people were
compelled to listen. He touched and
stubborn, sick bodies could hold
sickness no longer. Men left their
fishing nets, their businesses, their
government positions to follow
behind Him and listen and watch
and believe. They were challenged to
their core when He turned the tables
and asked, "Who do people say I
am?" and then even more challeng-
ing, "But who do you say I am"
(Mark 8:27�29)?
Who is this Man?
Betrayed and
beaten, the enemies who had plotted
His death sought now to bring it to
pass. Needing government author-
ity, they approached the ruthless
Pilate to help. But Roman justice
demanded that the accused be
allowed a hearing. With false
charges that Jesus was mounting
sedition, Pilate asked bluntly, "Are
You the king of the Jews?" While not
able to grasp who He was, Pilate
was able to tell what He was not.
Who is Jesus?
The dark,
overhanging clouds and the trem-
bling earth seemed as visible dis-
plays of God's own grief at Jesus
hanging on the cross. The grieving
women gathered at the foot of it,
vainly attempting to shield Jesus
from the screaming mockery coming
from those who hated Him. His
unwilling companion on a cross next
to His felt faith dawn in his last hour
of life. "Remember Me," he pleaded.
And Jesus, in unexpected tenderness
amid excruciating suffering, prom-
ised, "I assure you, today you will be
with Me in paradise" (Luke 23:39-
43). It was then that the battle
hardened soldier of the Empire could
not restrain himself another mo-
ment. "This man truly was the Son
of God!" (Mark 15:39).
Who is Jesus?
The day is
coming when that question can no
longer be asked. For "God exalted
Him to the highest place and gave
Him the name that is above every
name, that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bow in heaven
and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue acknowledge that
Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of
God the Father" (Philippians 2:9-11).
Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee is Editor�in�
Chief and National Literary Secretary.
"Here in their arms
was the One
who doomed evil,
who shredded death,
who redeemed what
was unsalvageable."