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The War Cry | September 1, 2012
Portraits: A Month In The Life Of
The Salvation Army--
This com-
pelling coffee table book is a collec-
tion of photographs depicting the
life and work of The Salvation Army
in the United Kingdom and Repub-
lic of Ireland.
During October 2011 Salvation
Army corps (churches) and centers
were invited to take "snapshots" of
their ministry. While some images
were specially commissioned, most
of the pictures in this book were
taken by those at the grass roots
of the organization: members, employees, volunteers and
service users.
Portraits is a record of the Army through their eyes. It
is not just a book for people associated with The Salvation
Army; anyone interested in an historical movement that
continues to make its mark in the 21st century will appreciate
the richness and diversity of expression and ministry found
in its pages.
The people, places and points of influence depicted in
this book demonstrate that God, who raised up The Salvation
Army, is still at work in the world. This hard cover production
will also bring fresh insight into this unique organization,
prompting the response: "I didn't know the Army did that."
Why Children Matter--Raising a
child has never been more chal-
lenging. In his latest book, pastor
Johann Christoph Arnold offers
time�tested wisdom and com-
mon�sense advice on what chil-
dren need most, what holds a
family together and how to
rediscover the joy of parenting.
With chapters on founding a
family, the unborn child, birth,
motherhood, fatherhood, teaching
respect, building character, disci-
pline, the role of grandparents, the
special child, consideration for others, teenagers and more,
Why Children Matter is a timely handbook for every parent
and anyone who cares about children.
Because we are convinced that Why Children Matter will
help strengthen families and make our society more child
friendly, we have decided to give it away free to anyone
who will read it. But we need the help of partners like the
Salvation Army to get the books into the hands and homes
where they are most needed.
TO ORDER call your nearest Salvation Army Supplies and
Purchasing department: Des Plaines, IL 800�937�8896;
West Nyack, NY 888�488�4882; Atlanta, GA 800�786�7372;
Long Beach, CA 800�937�8896 or visit:
We must grow up into
the fullness of Christ un-
til He can reveal us to
the world in all His glory
as those who look,
sound, feel, think and
act like him. This, our
destiny, is also our hope,
our reason for being
alive and on this earth.
Regardless of my situa-
tion, I have been des-
tined to become like
Jesus. Nothing else mat-
ters. Here lies the power
of the cross and the res-
urrection, the working
of His Spirit in us.
Some of you are
facing a crisis with your
children and discovering
that you have not been
so patient as you have
deceived yourself into
believing. Others have
faced difficulties in your
marriages. You have
therefore been discover-
ing that perhaps you
are not the prize you
thought you were. Still
others struggle with the
job, extended family or
health issues. All these
situations serve to ex-
pose the cracks in your
character so that they
can be taken to the
cross, healed and trans-
Life in the flesh
brings turmoil, while
peace, stability and joy
flow from the Spirit of
God in the nature and
character of Jesus. Be-
cause we have a hope
that transcends this
earth, what anyone else
would see as disaster
works blessing for us
because God in His in-
credible love uses it to
make us lovers, people
of integrity, standing in
victory and joy in the
midst of the rubble of
the world.
Jesus did not die on
a cross just to forgive
us, to simply wipe away
our guilt or just to give
us a theology to believe
in, build out lives around,
and be religious about.
More than command-
ments to obey, He gave
us His own nature and
character to live.
As sons and daugh-
ters of God, our destiny
goes well beyond mere
outward behavior. God
grants us wholeness
from the inside out. We
are not simply going to
heaven one day when
we die. Rather, our sal-
vation begins here and
now as transformation
takes root and whole-
ness grows.
Past generations in-
terpreted holiness as a
list of "don'ts." Don't
play cards. Don't drink.
Don't smoke. Don't have
sex outside of marriage.
None of these prohibi-
tions are wrong, but
abstaining from these
things does not really
change the heart. When
wholeness flows from
the inner person, from
character formation at
a foundational level, it
shapes outward behav-
ior. "If by the Spirit you
are putting to death the
misdeeds of the body"
(Rom 8:13), the whole
world receives blessing.
R. Loren Sandford
In Visions of the Coming
Chosen Books
Victory in the
Midst of Rubble
VISIT to purchase
for $10 or to download free ebook.
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