background image
The narratives of the kingdom of God are quite different from our
own false narratives.
These kingdom narratives are based on the reality of the presence
and power of God. For Jesus, the kingdom was not simply a nice
idea, but a very real place--life with God, which is available to all.
Outside the kingdom we are on our own. We must protect ourselves,
fight for our rights and punish those who offend us. Inside the
kingdom of God, life is much different. God is with us, protecting us
and fighting for our well being. Knowing this, much of our anger will
James Bryant Smith
In The Good and Beautiful Life
Intervarsity Press
The War Cry | July 7, 2012
Living Portraits Speaking
Still: A Collection of Bible
Employing the art
of compilation, Crest Books
draws on established Salva-
tion Army authors to exam-
ine the brilliance and vulner-
abilities of the "saints of
Scripture." In these Old and
New Testament studies from
articles published in the War
, modern�day saints can
see ordinary people who did
extraordinary things
through the power of God. In Living Portraits Speaking
, 18 Bible studies are grouped by theme, as a cura-
tor might display an artist's paintings. Each "gallery"
focuses on a different aspect of God, whose essence
grants life and love and reason for being.
The Ministry of Healing: The
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Does God have a health care
plan for people living today? Is
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spiritual growth? Does the Mas-
ter Physician desire to heal peo-
ple today as He did in Bible
times? These answers and more are contained in this
classic, Ministry of Healing.
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The very first issue of the heart Jesus
addresses in the Sermon on the Mount
is anger (Matthew 5:21�22). Many people
believe that righteousness is determined
by external actions, and therefore if
we have not outwardly broken a com-
mandment (e.g., struck or killed some-
one) we have kept the law and are therefore considered
righteous. But Jesus goes deeper, into the heart, the place
from where all actions spring. He says, "If you are angry
with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgment."
Why? Is He making it harder to be righteous? Is He raising
the bar so that no one can make it? Is He more strict than
Moses? No. Jesus understands the human heart--and the
heart is His primary concern, not merely outward actions.
The heart full of anger, the heart that hates, is not far from
the heart that would murder. In fact, it is essentially the
same inner condition. All that is missing is the actual act.
Jesus understands that an angry person would actually
harm someone if he or she could get away with it.
When Jesus commands His apprentices not to be angry,
He is showing us the way to a good and beautiful life. His
command implies that we can actually do it. Many people
cannot imagine living without anger. But it is possible, oth-
erwise Jesus would not have instructed us to live without it.
Unfortunately, if we hear the command "do not be angry"
and think we must do this on our own strength (i.e., in the
flesh) we will fail and begin to resent Jesus for commanding
it. For an explanation of how we learn to live without anger,
we have to look at the rest of Jesus' teachings, His overall
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False Narratives
I am alone.
I must be in control all of
the time.
Something terrible will
happen if I make a mistake.
Life must always be fair
and just.
I need to be perfect all of
the time.
Kingdom Narratives
You are never alone. Jesus
is with you always.
Jesus is in control.
Mistakes happen all of the
time, and things usually
work out fine.
Life is not always fair and just,
but God gets the last word.
Jesus accepts me--even
though I am not perfect.
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