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The War Cry | July 7, 2012
for 15 years and a soldier
for 25, this was the first
time I really took notice of
the War Cry ... this was well
done on so many levels.
Captain Rob DeGeorge
Brompton, Chicago, IL
Bremerton Naval Center
The article by Dave West
"God Made Me A Miracle"
in the April 28th War Cry
back memo-
ries of
Dave's fa-
ther was the
corps officer
of the Seat-
tle (WA) corps which was
near the huge Bremerton
Naval Center.
I, and numerous other
young Salvationist sailors
who visited the corps,
found Major West had a
sincere interest in us, en-
couraging us to not go
We were invited to
spend time in social activi-
ties at his quarters. Dave's
older sister Carol, and her
boyfriend, took time to
show me some of the
sights of Seattle.
Dave's father assured
me that "Sonny" would do
alright in life, and it's good
to know that God has in-
deed blessed Dave's life
and ministry.
Major Edward V. Dimond
Old Orchard Beach, ME
Doing the Most Good!
I appreciate the work of
the Salvation Army and try
to help the local corps do
the most good.
I agree that God has giv-
en us all gifts and He
wants us to use those gifts
for His glory. As part of
loving our neighbors we
should use our gifts to
Thank you for the conver-
sation with Amber Sullins.
It enlightened me on being
"in the world but not of
the world." The real life of
a regular individual who is
in the media spotlight
helps me to see the impor-
tance of real living as a
Christian. Having a life out-
side of the church can be
rewarding and consistent,
with the right tools to stay
on track.
Cece, PA
The Best!
The June 9 issue of the
War Cry is the best issue I
have ever
I have
not been a
fan of the
War Cry,
but this is-
sue had so
much that
blew me away ... the con-
tent, formatting and awe-
some use of space with-
out feeling cluttered, the
topic of Fatherhood, the
biblical content and the
real connection to people
that made the magazine
seem earthy and real ...
not just something trying
to grab my attention ...
front cover is breathtaking.
I want you to know you
are appreciated and have
an amazingly gifted and
creative staff. As an officer
One of the Social Services
Award Winners at the National So-
cial Services and Disaster Manage-
ment Conference was incorrectly
announced in the May 26, 2012
War Cry, (page 21). The winner for
the Southern Territory was not Red
Shield Family Lodge in Ft. Myers,
FL; the winner was the Red Shield
Atlanta, GA.
help and encourage others
to use their gifts.
I appreciate the effort
the Army staff puts into
their publications. I think
the editorial staff has
changed the target audi-
ence of the War Cry.
Marc Heffner
Olympia, WA
For more information visit
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