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The War Cry | CHRISTMAS 2013
already immersed in a culture that measured worth
based on what a person had, whether it was wealth,
success or celebrity. Let's call it a culture of bigger and
better, more and more. To receive less than I thought I
deserved that Christmas was a violation of the rules of
this culture. Something was wrong.
Something was wrong, but it was not in the injustice
I imagined. It was in my indignation, my lust for this
concrete acquisition that would prove my worth. We can
certainly excuse this in a 10�year�old. (Please, do!) But
what if that lust for more, supported and nurtured by
the social environment and important influencers, grew
large and turned someone into a greedy, driven, self-cen-
tered person who relentlessly pursued a life of bigger
and better. And what if this drivenness became the
norm in our world? What if we became a nation of people
grasping for more? Recent news events suggest we're not
far from it. We need only look at the multiple bank
collapses, the mortgage over�reaches and many other
examples of our addiction to more and more.
In fact, we need only look at the transformation of
Christmas into the celebration of our craving materialism,
the high festival of our drivenness to acquire. Quite
simply, the Christmas season, it seems, has been largely
confiscated by forces that nullify the Christmas story itself.
The real Christmas story is a shocker. It says that
God, who is "high and lifted up," did something that
turns our view of Him on its head. It says He came to
earth in human flesh. He became a man (John 1:14). He
radically downsized. Somehow, "high and lifted up" had
to make room for "humble and lowered down."
In the Christian Church--and in many other religious
communities as well--people speak, sing, teach and
preach the greatness of God. They are right to do so, and
they are probably thinking in terms of the mind�bog-
gling complexity and breathtaking beauty of the endless
universe He has created and still is creating. Also, they
may well be thinking of the greatness of God's grace, a
grace that looks down upon us with such undeserved
favor. Or they may have in mind the love of God, broad
enough to reach us all. The Christmas story, however,
gives witness to what I believe is the crowning miracle
of God's greatness: He became small.
God's diminishment
of Himself is probably
the most forgotten or ignored miracle in the gospel. That
is quite understandable in a world that does not like to
think small. Where does a self�lowering God fit into this
self�enhancing culture of ours? What can this God offer
a world caught up in its fascination with bigger and better?
He offers a very different greatness.
What exactly was God doing when He became a
human being? To put it simply, He was freeing us to
become human beings. A human being is who God
created you and me to be! Those who think our problem
or our sin is that "we're only human" are sadly mistaken.
The glory God has given us is the glory of being fully
human. Our sin is our presuming to be something else,
something greater. Our sin is to live such a lie.
God became a small infant named Jesus to invite us
to discover the beauty and the holiness of our true
humanity. He was born poor and stayed poor to expose
the dehumanizing seduction of wealth. He avoided
making Himself famous, built no political power base
and became a failure by contemporary standards, in
order to delegitimize the lust for power. He stayed
within a relatively obscure and insignificant part of the
great Roman Empire and spent most of His time with
the marginalized so that He could affirm their full
worth. He allowed the power of a crowd, an empire
and a religious establishment to deliver Him to a
criminal's crucifixion. He put Himself alongside the
worst of us, just in case there was anyone who thought
He was too much above them, or too good for them.
He became small to show us who we are. He was our
model for being genuinely human.
grasping for more? Recent news events suggest we're not
created you and me to be! Those who think our problem
"The real Christmas story is a
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