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In her Bible mes-
sage during cele-
brations marking
the 75th anniver-
sary of The Salva-
tion Army in Mex-
ico, General Linda
Bond gave exam-
ples of the work
of The Salvation
Army in many
parts of the
world, emphasiz-
ing that at all
times its mission is the mission of Jesus
Christ. The General also took the oppor-
tunity during the celebration, held in
Mexico City this July, to speak of being
"One Army, with One Mission and One
Message--a holy people living a holy
life." General Bond shared her vision for
the Army about one year ago, and has
encouraged a worldwide emphasis on
prayer in support of it.
More than 1,200 delegates from corps
and outposts throughout Mexico praised
God during a Salvationist Celebration ac-
companied by a united band of M�xico
City musicians and 13 visiting musicians
from the Texas Divisional Band.
In all, more than 300 adults and 266
children and young people made life-
changing decisions during the congress.
General Bond encouraged everyone to
bring sinners to salvation, in the realiza-
tion that only Jesus can break the chains
of sin forever.
Leaders Join Worldwide
Prayer Meeting
Delegates attending the Army's Interna-
tional Conference of Leaders in Toronto
last month tangibly expressed Army
Founder William Booth's burning desire
to bring the message of salvation to
everyone throughout the world. The
delegates joined fellow Salvationists
all around the world in prayer at 7:30
a.m. on Thursday, July 12 as part of the
Army's Worldwide Prayer Meeting
( The leaders offered
prayers in many languages, imploring the
Holy Spirit to breathe into The Salvation
Army, especially in those areas which
seem to be valleys of "dry bones."
The conference "developed into one
international Salvation Army family en-
joying rich fellowship in Christ's name."
From reports by Commissioner Grace Bringans
and Colonel Jane Paone, territorial leaders for the
Mexico and the France and Belgium Territories.
One in Mission and Message
deepen our spiritual life
unite in prayer
identify and develop leaders
increase self�support and self�denial
emphasize our integrated ministry
reach and involve youth and children
stand for and serve the marginalized
encourage innovation in mission
communicate Christ unashamedly
reaffirm our belief in transformation
evangelize and disciple effectively
provide quality teaching resources
Remember when we first heard about Jesus?
Perhaps we were curious to know more, but the world
called our name and kept us away from His plan for our
lives. We wanted to please God and do well, but the steps
seemed impossible; there was so much to learn--to do.
But we, as humans, often make things more difficult
than they are, don't we?
We must be willing to do whatever is necessary to find
the child�like acceptance we're so afraid to try.
We need to set ourselves apart from the crowd and not
allow them to keep us from Jesus. Draw near to our Lord
and He'll draw near to us--leading us to our destiny.
(See Matt. 11:28, 1st Kings 8:57�58.)
Marcia K. Leaser, Fremont, OH
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